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The After School Club

The literacy rate in Ethiopia was 51% in 2017, according to UNESCO.


State education provides for a half day session for each child.  The classes contain about 70 children, and it is not possible for the teacher to give individual attention to each pupil. Only 50% of the students enrolled at age 7 complete primary education at age 14,  and very few proceed to secondary education.  


Meketa wants to make a difference here. 


The After School Club provides support for the children and assistance with homework to supplement the education they receive in  state schools. The children attend either before or after their allotted session at the state run school. 


The focus is on the core curriculum subjects of Maths, English, and Science.  The children also learn computer skills, art and design. The small classes allow much greater attention from After School Club staff. We are delighted that the children achieve substantial improvement in learning outcomes and many have achieved top exam results.


In the summer months, Meketa runs holiday activities with volunteers from abroad. The children have a chance to engage in art, music, drama and sport; subjects that are not covered in government schools. 


Can buy stationary supplies or  art materials. 


Can buy books for the library


Can help pay staff salary for one month


Can pay for the Kabbalat Shabbat snack

children drawing pictures
children observing Shabbat by lighting candles
The Blue Nile Falls.jpg

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Oxford, OX1 2JL

United Kingdom

UK Registered Charity No. 1169130

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